Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
advancement | A Mojang provided command. | /advancement |
minecraft.command.advancement |
attribute | A Mojang provided command. | /attribute |
minecraft.command.attribute |
ban-ip | A Mojang provided command. | /ban-ip |
minecraft.command.ban-ip |
bossbar | A Mojang provided command. | /bossbar |
minecraft.command.bossbar |
callback | ClickEvent callback | /callback <uuid> |
N/A |
clone | A Mojang provided command. | /clone |
minecraft.command.clone |
damage | A Mojang provided command. | /damage |
minecraft.command.damage |
data | A Mojang provided command. | /data | |
datapack | A Mojang provided command. | /datapack |
minecraft.command.datapack |
debug | A Mojang provided command. | /debug |
minecraft.command.debug |
defaultgamemode | A Mojang provided command. | /defaultgamemode |
minecraft.command.defaultgamemode |
deop | A Mojang provided command. | /deop |
minecraft.command.deop |
difficulty | A Mojang provided command. | /difficulty |
minecraft.command.difficulty |
effect | A Mojang provided command. | /effect |
minecraft.command.effect |
execute | A Mojang provided command. | /execute |
minecraft.command.execute |
experience | A Mojang provided command. | /experience |
minecraft.command.experience |
fill | A Mojang provided command. | /fill |
minecraft.command.fill |
fillbiome | A Mojang provided command. | /fillbiome |
minecraft.command.fillbiome |
forceload | A Mojang provided command. | /forceload |
minecraft.command.forceload |
function | A Mojang provided command. | /function |
minecraft.command.function |
gamerule | A Mojang provided command. | /gamerule |
minecraft.command.gamerule |
help (?) | Shows the help menu | /help <pageNumber>
/help <topic>
/help <topic> <pageNumber> | |
icanhasbukkit | /icanhasbukkit |
N/A | |
jfr | A Mojang provided command. | /jfr |
minecraft.command.jfr |
loot | A Mojang provided command. | /loot |
minecraft.command.loot |
minecraft:advancement | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:advancement |
minecraft.command.advancement |
minecraft:attribute | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:attribute |
minecraft.command.attribute |
minecraft:ban | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:ban |
minecraft.command.ban |
minecraft:ban-ip | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:ban-ip |
minecraft.command.ban-ip |
minecraft:banlist | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:banlist |
minecraft.command.banlist |
minecraft:bossbar | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:bossbar |
minecraft.command.bossbar |
minecraft:clear | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:clear |
minecraft.command.clear |
minecraft:clone | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:clone |
minecraft.command.clone |
minecraft:damage | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:damage |
minecraft.command.damage |
minecraft:data | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:data | |
minecraft:datapack | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:datapack |
minecraft.command.datapack |
minecraft:debug | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:debug |
minecraft.command.debug |
minecraft:defaultgamemode | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:defaultgamemode |
minecraft.command.defaultgamemode |
minecraft:deop | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:deop |
minecraft.command.deop |
minecraft:difficulty | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:difficulty |
minecraft.command.difficulty |
minecraft:effect | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:effect |
minecraft.command.effect |
minecraft:enchant | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:enchant |
minecraft.command.enchant |
minecraft:execute | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:execute |
minecraft.command.execute |
minecraft:experience | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:experience |
minecraft.command.experience |
minecraft:fill | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:fill |
minecraft.command.fill |
minecraft:fillbiome | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:fillbiome |
minecraft.command.fillbiome |
minecraft:forceload | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:forceload |
minecraft.command.forceload |
minecraft:function | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:function |
minecraft.command.function |
minecraft:gamemode | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:gamemode |
minecraft.command.gamemode |
minecraft:gamerule | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:gamerule |
minecraft.command.gamerule |
minecraft:give | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:give |
minecraft.command.give |
minecraft:help | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:help | |
minecraft:item | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:item |
minecraft.command.item |
minecraft:jfr | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:jfr |
minecraft.command.jfr |
minecraft:kick | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:kick |
minecraft.command.kick |
minecraft:kill | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:kill |
minecraft.command.kill |
minecraft:list | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:list |
minecraft.command.list |
minecraft:locate | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:locate |
minecraft.command.locate |
minecraft:loot | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:loot |
minecraft.command.loot |
minecraft:me | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:me | |
minecraft:msg | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:msg |
minecraft.command.msg |
minecraft:op | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:op |
minecraft.command.op |
minecraft:pardon | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:pardon |
minecraft.command.pardon |
minecraft:pardon-ip | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:pardon-ip |
minecraft.command.pardon-ip |
minecraft:particle | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:particle |
minecraft.command.particle |
minecraft:perf | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:perf |
minecraft.command.perf |
minecraft:place | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:place | |
minecraft:playsound | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:playsound |
minecraft.command.playsound |
minecraft:random | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:random |
minecraft.command.random |
minecraft:recipe | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:recipe |
minecraft.command.recipe |
minecraft:reload | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:reload |
minecraft.command.reload |
minecraft:return | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:return |
minecraft.command.return |
minecraft:ride | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:ride |
minecraft.command.ride |
minecraft:rotate | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:rotate |
minecraft.command.rotate |
minecraft:save-all | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:save-all | |
minecraft:save-off | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:save-off | |
minecraft:save-on | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:save-on | |
minecraft:say | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:say |
minecraft.command.say |
minecraft:schedule | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:schedule |
minecraft.command.schedule |
minecraft:scoreboard | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:scoreboard |
minecraft.command.scoreboard |
minecraft:seed | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:seed |
minecraft.command.seed |
minecraft:setblock | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:setblock |
minecraft.command.setblock |
minecraft:setidletimeout | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:setidletimeout |
minecraft.command.setidletimeout |
minecraft:setworldspawn | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:setworldspawn |
minecraft.command.setworldspawn |
minecraft:spawnpoint | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:spawnpoint |
minecraft.command.spawnpoint |
minecraft:spectate | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:spectate |
minecraft.command.spectate |
minecraft:spreadplayers | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:spreadplayers |
minecraft.command.spreadplayers |
minecraft:stop | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:stop |
minecraft.command.stop |
minecraft:stopsound | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:stopsound |
minecraft.command.stopsound |
minecraft:summon | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:summon |
minecraft.command.summon |
minecraft:tag | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tag |
minecraft.command.tag |
minecraft:team | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:team | |
minecraft:teammsg | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:teammsg |
minecraft.command.teammsg |
minecraft:teleport | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:teleport |
minecraft.command.teleport |
minecraft:tell | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tell |
minecraft.command.msg |
minecraft:tellraw | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tellraw |
minecraft.command.tellraw |
minecraft:tick | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tick |
minecraft.command.tick |
minecraft:time | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:time |
minecraft.command.time |
minecraft:title | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:title |
minecraft.command.title |
minecraft:tm | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tm |
minecraft.command.teammsg |
minecraft:tp | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:tp |
minecraft.command.teleport |
minecraft:transfer | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:transfer |
minecraft.command.transfer |
minecraft:trigger | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:trigger |
minecraft.command.trigger |
minecraft:w | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:w |
minecraft.command.msg |
minecraft:weather | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:weather | |
minecraft:whitelist | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:whitelist |
minecraft.command.whitelist |
minecraft:worldborder | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:worldborder |
minecraft.command.worldborder |
minecraft:xp | A Mojang provided command. | /minecraft:xp |
minecraft.command.experience |
mspt | View server tick times | /mspt |
bukkit.command.mspt |
op | A Mojang provided command. | /op |
minecraft.command.op |
paper | Paper related commands | /paper [debug | mobcaps | playermobcaps | version | dumpitem | chunkinfo | fixlight | reload | dumplisteners | syncloadinfo | holderinfo | heap | entity | dumpplugins] |
bukkit.command.paper bukkit.command.paper.debug bukkit.command.paper.mobcaps bukkit.command.paper.playermobcaps bukkit.command.paper.version bukkit.command.paper.dumpitem bukkit.command.paper.chunkinfo bukkit.command.paper.fixlight bukkit.command.paper.reload bukkit.command.paper.dumplisteners bukkit.command.paper.syncloadinfo bukkit.command.paper.holderinfo bukkit.command.paper.heap bukkit.command.paper.entity bukkit.command.paper.dumpplugins |
pardon-ip | A Mojang provided command. | /pardon-ip |
minecraft.command.pardon-ip |
particle | A Mojang provided command. | /particle |
minecraft.command.particle |
perf | A Mojang provided command. | /perf |
minecraft.command.perf |
place | A Mojang provided command. | /place | |
playsound | A Mojang provided command. | /playsound |
minecraft.command.playsound |
plugins (pl) | Gets a list of plugins running on the server | /plugins |
bukkit.command.plugins |
random | A Mojang provided command. | /random |
minecraft.command.random |
reload (rl) | Reloads the server configuration and plugins | /reload [permissions|commands|confirm] |
bukkit.command.reload |
restart | Restarts the server | /restart |
bukkit.command.restart |
ride | A Mojang provided command. | /ride |
minecraft.command.ride |
rotate | A Mojang provided command. | /rotate |
minecraft.command.rotate |
save-all | A Mojang provided command. | /save-all | |
save-off | A Mojang provided command. | /save-off | |
save-on | A Mojang provided command. | /save-on | |
schedule | A Mojang provided command. | /schedule |
minecraft.command.schedule |
scoreboard | A Mojang provided command. | /scoreboard |
minecraft.command.scoreboard |
seed | A Mojang provided command. | /seed |
minecraft.command.seed |
setblock | A Mojang provided command. | /setblock |
minecraft.command.setblock |
setidletimeout | A Mojang provided command. | /setidletimeout |
minecraft.command.setidletimeout |
setworldspawn | A Mojang provided command. | /setworldspawn |
minecraft.command.setworldspawn |
spark | /spark |
spark.tickmonitor spark.gc spark spark.activity spark.profiler spark.tps spark.healthreport spark.heapdump spark.heapsummary spark.gcmonitor |
spark | /spark |
spark.tickmonitor spark.gc spark spark.activity spark.profiler spark.tps spark.healthreport spark.heapdump spark.heapsummary spark.gcmonitor |
spawnpoint | A Mojang provided command. | /spawnpoint |
minecraft.command.spawnpoint |
spectate | A Mojang provided command. | /spectate |
minecraft.command.spectate |
spigot | Spigot related commands | /spigot reload |
bukkit.command.spigot |
spreadplayers | A Mojang provided command. | /spreadplayers |
minecraft.command.spreadplayers |
stop | A Mojang provided command. | /stop |
minecraft.command.stop |
stopsound | A Mojang provided command. | /stopsound |
minecraft.command.stopsound |
summon | A Mojang provided command. | /summon |
minecraft.command.summon |
team | A Mojang provided command. | /team | |
teammsg | A Mojang provided command. | /teammsg |
minecraft.command.teammsg |
tellraw | A Mojang provided command. | /tellraw |
minecraft.command.tellraw |
tick | A Mojang provided command. | /tick |
minecraft.command.tick |
timings | Manages Spigot Timings data to see performance of the server. | /timings <reset|report|on|off|verbon|verboff> |
bukkit.command.timings |
title | A Mojang provided command. | /title |
minecraft.command.title |
tps | Gets the current ticks per second for the server | /tps |
bukkit.command.tps |
transfer | A Mojang provided command. | /transfer |
minecraft.command.transfer |
trigger | A Mojang provided command. | /trigger |
minecraft.command.trigger |
version (ver, about) | Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use | /version [plugin name] |
bukkit.command.version |
whitelist | A Mojang provided command. | /whitelist |
minecraft.command.whitelist |
worldborder | A Mojang provided command. | /worldborder |
minecraft.command.worldborder |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
co | Utilize the plugin | /<command> <params> | |
core | Utilize the plugin | /<command> <params> |
coreprotect.core |
coreprotect | Utilize the plugin | /<command> <params> |
coreprotect.coreprotect |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
discord (discordsrv) | DiscordSRV commands | /discord - Show the invite link of the Discord server
/discord help/? - Show command list
/discord link - Link Minecraft account with Discord account
/discord unlink - Remove link between Minecraft and Discord account
/discord linked - Show information about linking status
/discord broadcast - Broadcast a message to Discord
/discord debug - Send debug information to Gist
/discord reload - Reload the plugin
/discord resync - Resynchronizes all groups & roles
/discord language - Changes the language of DiscordSRV to whatever is specified
/discord debugger - A toggleable timings-like command to dump debug information to
discordsrv.discord |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
drmap | import online images to maps | /<command> create <url> [params]
/<command> reload
/<command> erase
/<command> info |
drmap.command |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
afk (eafk, away, eaway) | Marks you as away-from-keyboard. | /<command> [player/message...] |
N/A |
antioch (eantioch, grenade, egrenade, tnt, etnt) | A little surprise for operators. | /<command> [message] |
N/A |
anvil (eanvil) | Opens up an anvil. | /<command> |
N/A |
back (eback, return, ereturn) | Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
backup (ebackup) | Runs the backup if configured. | /<command> |
N/A |
balance (bal, ebal, ebalance, money, emoney) | States the current balance of a player. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
balancetop (ebalancetop, baltop, ebaltop) | Gets the top balance values. | /<command> [page] |
N/A |
ban (eban) | Bans a player. | /<command> <player> [reason] |
N/A |
banip (ebanip) | Bans an IP address. | /<command> <address> [reason] |
N/A |
beezooka (ebeezooka, beecannon, ebeecannon) | Throw an exploding bee at your opponent. | /<command> |
N/A |
bigtree (ebigtree, largetree, elargetree) | Spawn a big tree where you are looking. | /<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak> |
N/A |
book (ebook) | Allows reopening and editing of sealed books. | /<command> [title|author [name]] |
N/A |
bottom (ebottom) | Teleport to the lowest block at your current position. | /<command> |
N/A |
break (ebreak) | Breaks the block you are looking at. | /<command> |
N/A |
broadcast (bc, ebc, bcast, ebcast, ebroadcast, shout, eshout) | Broadcasts a message to the entire server. | /<command> <msg> |
N/A |
broadcastworld (bcw, ebcw, bcastw, ebcastw, ebroadcastworld, shoutworld, eshoutworld) | Broadcasts a message to a world. | /<command> <world> <msg> |
N/A |
burn (eburn) | Set a player on fire. | /<command> <player> <seconds> |
N/A |
cartographytable (ecartographytable, carttable, ecarttable) | Opens up a cartography table. | /<command> |
N/A |
clearinventory (ci, eci, clean, eclean, clear, eclear, clearinvent, eclearinvent, eclearinventory) | Clear all items in your inventory. | /<command> [player|*] [item[:\<data>]|*|**] [amount] |
N/A |
clearinventoryconfirmtoggle (eclearinventoryconfirmtoggle, clearinventoryconfirmoff, eclearinventoryconfirmoff, clearconfirmoff, eclearconfirmoff, clearconfirmon, eclearconfirmon, clearconfirm, eclearconfirm) | Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm inventory clears. | /<command> |
N/A |
compass (ecompass, direction, edirection) | Describes your current bearing. | /<command> |
N/A |
condense (econdense, compact, ecompact, blocks, eblocks, toblocks, etoblocks) | Condenses items into a more compact blocks. | /<command> [item] |
N/A |
createkit (kitcreate, createk, kc, ck) | Create a kit in game! | /<command> <kitname> <delay> |
N/A |
customtext | Allows you to create custom text commands. | /<alias> - Define in bukkit.yml |
N/A |
delhome (edelhome, remhome, eremhome, rmhome, ermhome) | Removes a home. | /<command> [player:]<name> |
N/A |
deljail (edeljail, remjail, eremjail, rmjail, ermjail) | Removes a jail. | /<command> <jailname> |
N/A |
delkit (edelkit, remkit, eremkit, rmkit, ermkit, deletekit, edeletekit) | Deletes the specified kit. | /<command> <kit> |
N/A |
delwarp (edelwarp, remwarp, eremwarp, rmwarp, ermwarp) | Deletes the specified warp. | /<command> <warp> |
N/A |
depth (edepth, height, eheight) | States current depth, relative to sea level. | /depth |
N/A |
disposal (edisposal, trash, etrash) | Opens a portable disposal menu. | /<command> |
N/A |
eco (eeco, economy, eeconomy) | Manages the server economy. | /<command> <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount> |
N/A |
editsign (sign, esign, eeditsign) | Edits a sign in the world. | /<command> <set/clear/copy/paste> [line number] [text] |
N/A |
enchant (eenchant, enchantment, eenchantment) | Enchants the item the user is holding. | /<command> <enchantmentname> [level] |
N/A |
enderchest (echest, eechest, eenderchest, endersee, eendersee, ec, eec) | Lets you see inside an enderchest. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
essentials (eessentials, ess, eess, essversion) | Reloads essentials. | /<command> |
N/A |
exp (eexp, xp) | Give, set, reset, or look at a players experience. | /<command> [reset|show|set|give] [playername [amount]] |
N/A |
ext (eext, eextinguish) | Extinguish players. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
feed (eat, eeat, efeed) | Satisfy the hunger. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
fireball (efireball, fireentity, efireentity, fireskull, efireskull) | Throw a fireball or other assorted projectiles. | /<command> [fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident] [speed] |
N/A |
firework (efirework) | Allows you to modify a stack of fireworks. | /<command> <<meta param>|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount]> |
N/A |
fly (efly) | Take off, and soar! | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
gamemode (adventure, eadventure, adventuremode, eadventuremode, creative, ecreative, eecreative, creativemode, ecreativemode, egamemode, gm, egm, gma, egma, gmc, egmc, gms, egms, gmt, egmt, survival, esurvival, survivalmode, esurvivalmode, gmsp, egmsp, spec, spectator) | Change player gamemode. | /<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player] |
N/A |
gc (lag, elag, egc, mem, emem, memory, ememory, uptime, euptime, etps, entities, eentities) | Reports memory, uptime and tick info. | /<command> |
N/A |
getpos (coords, egetpos, position, eposition, whereami, ewhereami, getlocation, egetlocation, getloc, egetloc) | Get your current coordinates or those of a player. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
give (egive) | Give a player an item. | /<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]] |
N/A |
god (egod, godmode, egodmode, tgm, etgm) | Enables your godly powers. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
grindstone (egrindstone) | Opens up a grindstone. | /<command> |
N/A |
hat (ehat, head, ehead) | Get some cool new headgear. | /<command> [remove] |
N/A |
heal (eheal) | Heals you or the given player. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
help (ehelp) | Views a list of available commands. | /<command> [search term] [page] |
N/A |
helpop (ac, eac, amsg, eamsg, ehelpop) | Message online admins. | /<command> <message> |
N/A |
home (ehome, homes, ehomes) | Teleport to your home. | /<command> [player:][name] |
N/A |
ice (eice, efreeze) | Cools a player off. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
ignore (eignore, unignore, eunignore, delignore, edelignore, remignore, eremignore, rmignore, ermignore) | Ignore or unignore other players. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
info (eabout, ifo, eifo, einfo, inform, einform, news, enews) | Shows information set by the server owner. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
N/A |
invsee (einvsee) | See the inventory of other players. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
item (i, eitem, ei) | Spawn an item. | /<command> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]] |
N/A |
itemdb (dura, edura, durability, edurability, eitemdb, itemno, eitemno) | Searches for an item. | /<command> <item> |
N/A |
itemlore (lore, elore, ilore, eilore, eitemlore) | Edit the lore of an item. | /<command> <add/set/clear> [text/line] [text] |
N/A |
itemname (iname, einame, eitemname, itemrename, irename, eitemrename, eirename) | Names an item. | /<command> [name] |
N/A |
jails (ejails) | List all jails. | /<command> |
N/A |
jump (ej, ejump, ejumpto) | Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight. | /<command> |
N/A |
kick (ekick) | Kicks a specified player with a reason. | /<command> <player> [reason] |
N/A |
kickall (ekickall) | Kicks all players off the server except the issuer. | /<command> [reason] |
N/A |
kill (ekill) | Kills specified player. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
kit (ekit, kits, ekits) | Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits. | /<command> [kit] [player] |
N/A |
kitreset (ekitreset, kitr, ekitr, resetkit, eresetkit) | Resets the cooldown on the specified kit. | /<command> <kit> [player] |
N/A |
kittycannon (ekittycannon) | Throw an exploding kitten at your opponent. | /<command> |
N/A |
lightning (elightning, shock, eshock, smite, esmite, strike, estrike, thor, ethor) | The power of Thor. Strike at cursor or player. | /<command> [player] [power] |
N/A |
list (elist, online, eonline, playerlist, eplayerlist, plist, eplist, who, ewho) | List all online players. | /<command> [group] |
N/A |
loom (eloom) | Opens up a loom. | /<command> |
N/A |
mail (email, eemail, memo, ememo) | Manages inter-player, intra-server mail. | /<command> [read|clear|clear [number]|clear <player> [number]|send [to] [message]|sendtemp [to] [expire time] [message]|sendall [message]] |
N/A |
me (action, eaction, describe, edescribe, eme) | Describes an action in the context of the player. | /<command> <description> |
N/A |
more (emore) | Fills the item stack in hand to specified amount, or to maximum size if none is specified. | /<command> [amount] |
N/A |
motd (emotd) | Views the Message Of The Day. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
N/A |
msg (w, m, t, pm, emsg, epm, tell, etell, whisper, ewhisper) | Sends a private message to the specified player. | /<command> <to> <message> |
N/A |
msgtoggle (emsgtoggle) | Blocks receiving all private messages. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
mute (emute, silence, esilence) | Mutes or unmutes a player. | /<command> <player> [datediff] [reason] |
N/A |
near (enear, nearby, enearby) | Lists the players near by or around a player. | /<command> [playername] [radius] |
N/A |
nick (enick, nickname, enickname) | Change your nickname or that of another player. | /<command> [player] <nickname|off> |
N/A |
nuke (enuke) | May death rain upon them. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
pay (epay) | Pays another player from your balance. | /<command> <player> <amount> |
N/A |
payconfirmtoggle (epayconfirmtoggle, payconfirmoff, epayconfirmoff, payconfirmon, epayconfirmon, payconfirm, epayconfirm) | Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm payments. | /<command> |
N/A |
paytoggle (epaytoggle, payoff, epayoff, payon, epayon) | Toggles whether you are accepting payments. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
ping (echo, eecho, eping, pong, epong) | Pong! | /<command> |
N/A |
playtime (eplaytime) | Shows a player's time played in game | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
potion (epotion, elixer, eelixer) | Adds custom potion effects to a potion. | /<command> <clear|apply|effect:<effect> power:<power> duration:<duration>> |
N/A |
powertool (epowertool, pt, ept) | Assigns a command to the item in hand. | /<command> [l:|a:|r:|c:|d:][command] [arguments] - {player} can be replaced by name of a clicked player. |
N/A |
powertooltoggle (epowertooltoggle, ptt, eptt, pttoggle, epttoggle) | Enables or disables all current powertools. | /<command> |
N/A |
ptime (playertime, eplayertime, eptime) | Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix. | /<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*] |
N/A |
pweather (playerweather, eplayerweather, epweather) | Adjust a player's weather | /<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*] |
N/A |
r (er, reply, ereply) | Quickly reply to the last player to message you. | /<command> <message> |
N/A |
realname (erealname) | Displays the username of a user based on nick. | /<command> <nickname> |
N/A |
recipe (formula, eformula, method, emethod, erecipe, recipes, erecipes) | Displays how to craft items. | /<command> <<item>|hand> [number] |
N/A |
remove (eremove, ebutcher, killall, ekillall, mobkill, emobkill) | Removes entities in your world. | /<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world] |
N/A |
renamehome (erenamehome) | Renames a home. | /<command> <[player:]name> <new name> |
N/A |
repair (fix, efix, erepair) | Repairs the durability of one or all items. | /<command> [hand|all] |
N/A |
rest (erest) | Rests you or the given player. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
rtoggle (ertoggle, replytoggle, ereplytoggle) | Change whether the recipient of the reply is last recipient or last sender | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
rules (erules) | Views the server rules. | /<command> [chapter] [page] |
N/A |
seen (eseen, ealts, alts) | Shows the last logout time of a player. | /<command> <playername> |
N/A |
sell (esell) | Sells the item currently in your hand. | /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [amount] |
N/A |
sethome (esethome, createhome, ecreatehome) | Set your home to your current location. | /<command> [[player:]name] |
N/A |
setjail (esetjail, createjail, ecreatejail) | Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname]. | /<command> <jailname> |
N/A |
settpr (esettpr, settprandom, esettprandom) | Set the random teleport location and parameters. | /<command> [center|minrange|maxrange] [value] |
N/A |
setwarp (createwarp, ecreatewarp, esetwarp) | Creates a new warp. | /<command> <warp> |
N/A |
setworth (esetworth) | Set the sell value of an item. | /<command> [itemname|id] <price> |
N/A |
showkit (kitpreview, preview, kitshow) | Show contents of a kit. | /<command> <kitname> |
N/A |
skull (eskull, playerskull, eplayerskull) | Set the owner of a player skull | /<command> [owner] |
N/A |
smithingtable (esmithingtable, smithtable, esmithtable) | Opens up a smithing table. | /<command> |
N/A |
socialspy (esocialspy) | Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
spawner (changems, echangems, espawner, mobspawner, emobspawner) | Change the mob type of a spawner. | /<command> <mob> [delay] |
N/A |
spawnmob (mob, emob, spawnentity, espawnentity, espawnmob) | Spawns a mob. | /<command> <mob>[:data][,<mount>[:data]] [amount] [player] |
N/A |
speed (flyspeed, eflyspeed, fspeed, efspeed, espeed, walkspeed, ewalkspeed, wspeed, ewspeed) | Change your speed limits. | /<command> [type] <speed> [player] |
N/A |
stonecutter (estonecutter) | Opens up a stonecutter. | /<command> |
N/A |
sudo (esudo) | Make another user perform a command. | /<command> <player> <command [args]> |
N/A |
suicide (esuicide) | Causes you to perish. | /<command> |
N/A |
tempban (etempban) | Temporary ban a user. | /<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason] |
N/A |
tempbanip (etempbanip) | Temporarily ban an IP Address. | /<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason] |
N/A |
thunder (ethunder) | Enable/disable thunder. | /<command> <true/false> [duration] |
N/A |
time (day, eday, night, enight, etime) | Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world. | /<command> [set|add] [day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all] |
N/A |
togglejail (jail, ejail, tjail, etjail, etogglejail, unjail, eunjail) | Jails/Unjails a player, TPs them to the jail specified. | /<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff] |
N/A |
top (etop) | Teleport to the highest block at your current position. | /<command> |
N/A |
tp (tele, etele, teleport, eteleport, etp, tp2p, etp2p) | Teleport to a player. | /<command> <player> [otherplayer] |
N/A |
tpa (call, ecall, etpa, tpask, etpask) | Request to teleport to the specified player. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tpaall (etpaall) | Requests all players online to teleport to you. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tpacancel (etpacancel) | Cancel all outstanding teleport requests. Specify [player] to cancel requests with them. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
tpaccept (etpaccept, tpyes, etpyes) | Accepts teleport requests. | /<command> [otherplayer] |
N/A |
tpahere (etpahere) | Request that the specified player teleport to you. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tpall (etpall) | Teleport all online players to another player. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
tpauto (etpauto) | Automatically accept teleportation requests. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
tpdeny (etpdeny, tpno, etpno) | Rejects teleport requests. | /<command> |
N/A |
tphere (s, etphere) | Teleport a player to you. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tpo (etpo) | Teleport override for tptoggle. | /<command> <player> [otherplayer] |
N/A |
tpoffline (otp, offlinetp, tpoff, etpoffline) | Teleport to a player's last known logout location | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tpohere (etpohere) | Teleport here override for tptoggle. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
tppos (etppos) | Teleport to coordinates. | /<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world] |
N/A |
tpr (etpr, tprandom, etprandom) | Teleport randomly. | /<command> |
N/A |
tptoggle (etptoggle) | Blocks all forms of teleportation. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
tree (etree) | Spawn a tree where you are looking. | /<command> <tree|birch|redwood|redmushroom|brownmushroom|jungle|junglebush|swamp> |
N/A |
unban (pardon, eunban, epardon) | Unbans the specified player. | /<command> <player> |
N/A |
unbanip (eunbanip, pardonip, epardonip) | Unbans the specified IP address. | /<command> <address> |
N/A |
unlimited (eunlimited, ul, unl, eul, eunl) | Allows the unlimited placing of items. | /<command> <list|item|clear> [player] |
N/A |
vanish (v, ev, evanish) | Hide yourself from other players. | /<command> [player] [on|off] |
N/A |
warp (ewarp, warps, ewarps) | List all warps or warp to the specified location. | /<command> <pagenumber|warp> [player] |
N/A |
warpinfo (ewarpinfo) | Finds location information for a specified warp. | /<command> <warp> |
N/A |
weather (rain, erain, sky, esky, storm, estorm, sun, esun, eweather) | Sets the weather. | /<command> <storm/sun> [duration] |
N/A |
whois (ewhois) | Determine the username behind a nickname. | /<command> <nickname> |
N/A |
workbench (craft, ecraft, wb, ewb, wbench, ewbench, eworkbench) | Opens up a workbench. | /<command> |
N/A |
world (eworld) | Switch between worlds. | /<command> [world] |
N/A |
worth (eprice, price, eworth) | Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified. | /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount] |
N/A |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
setspawn (esetspawn) | Sets the spawn point to your current position. | /<command> <group> |
N/A |
spawn (espawn) | Teleports to the spawn point. | /<command> [player] |
N/A |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
.s (/.s) | Execute last CraftScript | /.s [args...] |
worldedit.scripting.execute |
/ (,) | Toggle the super pickaxe function | // [superPickaxe] |
worldedit.superpickaxe |
/air (/0) | Sets all the blocks in the region to air | //air |
worldedit.region.set |
/blob (/rock) | Creates a distorted sphere | //blob <pattern> [size] [radius] [roundness] [frequency] [amplitude] |
worldedit.generation.blob |
/calculate (/calc, /eval, /evaluate, /solve) | Evaluate a mathematical expression | //calculate <input...> |
worldedit.calc |
/cancel (fcancel) | Cancel your current command | //cancel |
fawe.cancel |
/caves | Generates a cave network | //caves [size] [frequency] [rarity] [minY] [maxY] [systemFrequency] [individualRarity] [pocketChance] [pocketMin] [pocketMax] |
worldedit.generation.caves |
/center (/middle) | Set the center block(s) | //center <pattern> | |
/chunk | Set the selection to your current chunk. | //chunk [-cs] [coordinates] |
worldedit.selection.chunk |
/cone | Generates a cone. | //cone [-h] <pattern> <radii> [height] [thickness] |
worldedit.generation.cone |
/confirm | Confirm a command | //confirm |
fawe.confirm |
/contract | Contract the selection area | //contract <amount> [reverseAmount] [direction] |
worldedit.selection.contract |
/copy (/cp) | Copy the selection to the clipboard | //copy [-bce] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.clipboard.copy |
/count | Counts the number of blocks matching a mask | //count <mask> |
worldedit.analysis.count |
/curve | Draws a spline through selected points | //curve [-h] <pattern> [thickness] |
worldedit.region.curve |
/cut | Cut the selection to the clipboard | //cut [-be] [leavePattern] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.clipboard.cut |
/cyl | Generates a cylinder. | //cyl [-h] <pattern> <radii> [height] |
worldedit.generation.cylinder |
/deform | Deforms a selected region with an expression | //deform [-cor] <expression...> |
worldedit.region.deform |
/distr | Get the distribution of blocks in the selection | //distr [-cd] [-p <page>] |
worldedit.analysis.distr |
/drain | Drain a pool | //drain [-pw] <radiusExp> |
worldedit.drain |
/drawsel | Toggle drawing the current selection | //drawsel [drawSelection] |
worldedit.drawsel |
/expand | Expand the selection area | //expand <vert|<amount> [reverseAmount] [direction]> |
worldedit.selection.expand |
/faces (/outline) | Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection | //faces <pattern> |
worldedit.region.faces |
/fall | Have the blocks in the selection fall | //fall [-m] [replace] |
worldedit.region.fall |
/fast | Toggle fast mode | //fast [fastMode] | |
/fill | Fill a hole | //fill <pattern> <radiusExp> [depth] [direction] |
worldedit.fill |
/fillr | Fill a hole recursively | //fillr <pattern> <radiusExp> [depth] |
worldedit.fill.recursive |
/fixblocks (/updateblocks, /fixconnect) | "Fixes" all blocks in the region to the correct shape/connections based on surrounding blocks | //fixblocks |
worldedit.region.fixblocks |
/fixlighting | Get the light at a position | //fixlighting |
worldedit.light.fix |
/flip | Flip the contents of the clipboard across the origin | //flip [direction] |
worldedit.clipboard.flip |
/flora | Make flora within the region | //flora [density] |
worldedit.region.flora |
/forest | Make a forest within the region | //forest [type] [density] |
worldedit.region.forest |
/generate (/gen, /g) | Generates a shape according to a formula. | //generate [-chor] <pattern> <expression...> |
worldedit.generation.shape |
/generatebiome (/genbiome, /gb) | Sets biome according to a formula. | //generatebiome [-chor] <target> <expression...> |
worldedit.generation.shape.biome |
/gsmask (gsmask, globalsourcemask, /globalsourcemask) | Set the global source mask | //gsmask [maskOpt] | |
/gtexture (gtexture) | Set the global mask | //gtexture [context] | |
/gtransform (gtransform) | Set the global transform | //gtransform [transform] | |
/hcyl | Generates a hollow cylinder. | //hcyl <pattern> <radii> [height] [thickness] |
worldedit.generation.cylinder |
/heightmapinterface (/hmi, hmi) | Generate the heightmap interface: | //heightmapinterface [min] [max] |
fawe.admin |
/help | Displays help for WorldEdit commands | //help [-s] [-p <page>] [command...] | |
/history (/frb) | Manage your history | //history <rollback|info|restore|import|clear|distr|list|find> |
worldedit.history.distr worldedit.history.list worldedit.history.clear worldedit.history.find worldedit.history.restore fawe.rollback.import worldedit.history.rollback |
/hollow | Hollows out the object contained in this selection | //hollow [thickness] [pattern] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.region.hollow |
/hpos1 | Set position 1 to targeted block | //hpos1 |
worldedit.selection.hpos |
/hpos2 | Set position 2 to targeted block | //hpos2 |
worldedit.selection.hpos |
/hpyramid | Generate a hollow pyramid | //hpyramid <pattern> <size> |
worldedit.generation.pyramid |
/hsphere | Generates a hollow sphere. | //hsphere [-r] <pattern> <radii> |
worldedit.generation.sphere |
/img (/image, image) | Generate an image | //img <imageURL> [randomize] [threshold] [dimensions] |
worldedit.generation.image |
/inset | Inset the selection area | //inset [-hv] <amount> |
worldedit.selection.inset |
/lay | Set the top block in the region | //lay <pattern> |
worldedit.region.overlay |
/lazycopy | Lazily copy the selection to the clipboard | //lazycopy [-be] |
worldedit.clipboard.lazycopy |
/limit | Modify block change limit | //limit [limit] |
worldedit.limit |
/line | Draws line segments between cuboid selection corners or convex polyhedral selection vertices | //line [-h] <pattern> [thickness] |
worldedit.region.line |
/macro | Generate or run a macro | //macro |
worldedit.macro |
/move (/mv) | Move the contents of the selection | //move [-abes] [count] [direction] [replace] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.region.move |
/naturalize | 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below | //naturalize |
worldedit.region.naturalize |
/nbtinfo (/nbt) | View nbt info for a block | //nbtinfo |
worldedit.nbtinfo |
/ore | Generates ores | //ore <mask> <material> <size> [freq] [rarity] [minY] [maxY] |
worldedit.generation.ore |
/ores | Generates ores | //ores <mask> |
worldedit.generation.ore |
/outset | Outset the selection area | //outset [-hv] <amount> |
worldedit.selection.outset |
/overlay | Set a block on top of blocks in the region | //overlay <pattern> |
worldedit.region.overlay |
/paste (/p, /pa) | Paste the clipboard's contents | //paste [-abenosx] [-m <sourceMask>] |
worldedit.clipboard.paste |
/perf | Toggle side effects for performance | //perf [-h] [sideEffect] [newState] |
worldedit.perf |
/place | Place the clipboard's contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate) | //place [-abenosx] | |
/pos1 (/1) | Set position 1 | //pos1 [coordinates] |
worldedit.selection.pos |
/pos2 (/2) | Set position 2 | //pos2 [coordinates] |
worldedit.selection.pos |
/pyramid | Generate a filled pyramid | //pyramid [-h] <pattern> <size> |
worldedit.generation.pyramid |
/regen | Regenerates the contents of the selection | //regen [-br] [seed] [biomeType] |
worldedit.regen |
/removelighting (/removelight) | Removing lighting in a selection | //removelighting |
worldedit.light.remove |
/reorder | Sets the reorder mode of WorldEdit | //reorder [reorderMode] |
worldedit.reorder |
/replace (/re, /rep) | Replace all blocks in the selection with another | //replace [from] <to> |
worldedit.region.replace |
/rotate | Rotate the contents of the clipboard | //rotate <rotateY> [rotateX] [rotateZ] |
worldedit.clipboard.rotate |
/sel (;, /desel, /deselect) | Choose a region selector | //sel [-d] [selector] |
worldedit.analysis.sel |
/set | Sets all the blocks in the region | //set <pattern> |
worldedit.region.set |
/setbiome | Sets the biome of your current block or region. | //setbiome [-p] <target> |
worldedit.biome.set |
/setblocklight (/setlight) | Set block lighting in a selection | //setblocklight |
worldedit.light.set |
/setskylight | Set sky lighting in a selection | //setskylight |
worldedit.light.set |
/shift | Shift the selection area | //shift <amount> [direction] |
worldedit.selection.shift |
/size | Get information about the selection | //size [-c] |
worldedit.selection.size |
/smooth | Smooth the elevation in the selection | //smooth [iterations] [mask] |
worldedit.region.smooth |
/snowsmooth | Smooth the elevation in the selection with snow layers | //snowsmooth [iterations] [-l <snowBlockCount>] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.region.snowsmooth |
/sphere | Generates a filled sphere. | //sphere [-hr] <pattern> <radii> |
worldedit.generation.sphere |
/stack | Repeat the contents of the selection | //stack [-abers] [count] [offset] [-m <mask>] |
worldedit.region.stack |
/test | test region | //test <testValue> |
worldedit.region.test |
/timeout | Modify evaluation timeout time. | //timeout [limit] |
worldedit.timeout |
/tips (tips) | Toggle FAWE tips | //tips | |
/walls | Build the four sides of the selection | //walls <pattern> |
worldedit.region.walls |
/wand | Get the wand object | //wand [-n] |
worldedit.wand |
/watchdog | Changes watchdog hook state. | //watchdog [hookMode] |
worldedit.watchdog |
/wea (wea, worldeditanywhere, /worldeditanywhere, /weanywhere) | Bypass region restrictions | //wea |
fawe.admin |
/wer (wer, worldeditregion, /worldeditregion, select, /select) | Select your current allowed region | //wer |
fawe.worldeditregion |
/world | Sets the world override | //world [world] | |
ascend (asc, /asc, /ascend) | Go up a floor | /ascend [levels] |
worldedit.navigation.ascend |
biomeinfo | Get the biome of the targeted block. | /biomeinfo [-pt] | |
biomelist (biomels, /biomelist, /listbiomes) | Gets all biomes available. | /biomelist [-p <page>] |
worldedit.biome.list |
brush (br, /brush, /br, /tool, tool) | Brushing commands | /brush <target|surfacespline|populateschematic|lrbuild|splatter|inspect|cliff|paint|none|catenary|clipboard|selwand|height|navwand|surface|lower|transform|farwand|scroll|floodfill|/|secondary|size|material|cycler|command|circle|smask|primary|blendball|forest|tracemask|spline|savebrush|range|recursive|layer|rock|gravity|mask|shatter|sphere|flatten|scatter|deltree|repl|sweep|set|cylinder|line|scattercommand|butcher|copypaste|pull|targetoffset|tree|snowsmooth|extinguish|raise|info|stencil|image|/listbrush|deform|erode|snow|stacker|smooth|apply> |
worldedit.brush.ex worldedit.brush.options.transform worldedit.brush.gravity worldedit.brush.scattercommand worldedit.brush.blendball worldedit.brush.lower worldedit.brush.smooth worldedit.tool.flood-fill worldedit.brush.image worldedit.brush.spline worldedit.brush.stencil worldedit.setwand worldedit.brush.targetoffset worldedit.brush.sphere worldedit.tool.inspect worldedit.mask.brush worldedit.brush.butcher worldedit.brush.snow worldedit.brush.set worldedit.tool.replacer worldedit.brush.surfacespline worldedit.brush.layer worldedit.brush.shatter worldedit.brush.forest worldedit.brush.surface worldedit.brush.sweep worldedit.brush.apply worldedit.brush.list worldedit.tool.stack worldedit.brush.primary worldedit.superpickaxe worldedit.brush.height worldedit.brush.paint worldedit.brush.scroll worldedit.brush.rock worldedit.tool.none worldedit.brush.scatter worldedit.brush.options.tracemask worldedit.brush.erode worldedit.tool.tree worldedit.tool.farwand worldedit.brush.options.material worldedit.brush.snowsmooth worldedit.tool.deltree worldedit.brush.deform worldedit.brush.raise worldedit.brush.copy worldedit.brush.line worldedit.brush.clipboard worldedit.brush.options.mask worldedit.tool.lrbuild worldedit.brush.pull worldedit.transform.brush worldedit.brush.populateschematic worldedit.brush.secondary worldedit.brush.splatter worldedit.brush.command worldedit.brush.options.range worldedit.brush.cylinder worldedit.brush.recursive worldedit.brush.options.size |
butcher (/butcher) | Kill all or nearby mobs | /butcher [-abfgnprtw] [radius] |
worldedit.butcher |
ceil (/ceil, /ceiling) | Go to the ceiling | /ceil [-fg] [clearance] |
worldedit.navigation.ceiling |
chunkinfo (/chunkinfo) | Get information about the chunk you're inside | /chunkinfo |
worldedit.chunkinfo |
clearclipboard (/clearclipboard, /cc, /clearclip) | Clear your clipboard | /clearclipboard |
worldedit.clipboard.clear |
clearhistory (/clearhistory) | Clear your history | /clearhistory |
worldedit.history.clear |
cs (/cs) | Execute a CraftScript | /cs <filename> [args...] |
worldedit.scripting.execute |
cycler (/cycler) | Block data cycler tool | /cycler | |
delchunks (/delchunks) | Delete chunks that your selection includes | /delchunks [-o <beforeTime>] |
worldedit.delchunks |
deltree (/deltree) | Floating tree remover tool | /deltree |
worldedit.tool.deltree |
descend (desc, /desc, /descend) | Go down a floor | /descend [levels] |
worldedit.navigation.descend |
download (/download) | Downloads your clipboard through the configured web interface | /download [format] | |
extinguish (/ex, /ext, /extinguish, ex, ext) | Extinguish nearby fire | /extinguish [radius] |
worldedit.extinguish |
farwand (/warwand) | Wand at a distance tool | /farwand |
worldedit.tool.farwand |
fixlava (/fixlava) | Fix lava to be stationary | /fixlava <radius> |
worldedit.fixlava |
fixwater (/fixwater) | Fix water to be stationary | /fixwater <radius> |
worldedit.fixwater |
floodfill (flood, /flood, /floodfill) | Flood fill tool | /floodfill <pattern> <range> |
worldedit.tool.flood-fill |
forestgen (/forestgen) | Generate a forest | /forestgen [size] [type] [density] |
worldedit.generation.forest |
gmask (/gmask) | Set the global mask | /gmask [mask] | |
green (/green) | Converts dirt to grass blocks in the area | /green [-f] [size] [height] | |
info (/info) | Block information tool | /info | |
inspect (/inspect) | Inspect edits within a radius | /inspect |
worldedit.tool.inspect |
jumpto (j, /jumpto, /j) | Teleport to a location | /jumpto [-f] [pos] |
worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command |
listchunks (/listchunks) | List chunks that your selection includes | /listchunks [-p <page>] |
worldedit.listchunks |
lrbuild (/lrbuild) | Long-range building tool | /lrbuild <primary> <secondary> |
worldedit.tool.lrbuild |
mask (/mask) | Set the brush destination mask | /mask [-h] [maskOpt] |
worldedit.brush.options.mask worldedit.mask.brush |
material (mat, /material, pattern) | Set the brush material | /material [-h] <pattern> |
worldedit.brush.options.material |
navwand (/navwand) | Navigation wand tool | /navwand |
worldedit.setwand |
none (unbind) | Unbind a bound tool from your current item | /none |
worldedit.tool.none |
primary (/primary) | Set the right click brush | /primary <commandStr...> |
worldedit.brush.primary |
pumpkins (/pumpkins) | Generate pumpkin patches | /pumpkins [size] [density] |
worldedit.generation.pumpkins |
range (/range) | Set the brush range | /range <range> |
worldedit.brush.options.range |
redo (/redo) | Redoes the last action (from history) | /redo [times] [player] |
worldedit.history.redo worldedit.history.redo.self |
remove (rem, rement, /remove, /rem, /rement) | Remove all entities of a type | /remove <remover> <radius> |
worldedit.remove |
removeabove (/removeabove) | Remove blocks above your head. | /removeabove [size] [height] |
worldedit.removeabove |
removebelow (/removebelow) | Remove blocks below you. | /removebelow [size] [height] |
worldedit.removebelow |
removenear (/removenear) | Remove blocks near you. | /removenear <mask> [radius] |
worldedit.removenear |
repl (/repl) | Block replacer tool | /repl <pattern> |
worldedit.tool.replacer |
replacenear (/replacenear) | Replace nearby blocks | /replacenear <radius> [from] <to> |
worldedit.replacenear |
restore (/restore) | Restore the selection from a snapshot | /restore [-be] [snapshot] |
worldedit.snapshots.restore |
schematic (schem, /schematic, /schem) | Schematic commands for saving/loading areas | /schematic <list|move|formats|delete|clear|save|loadall|load|unload|share> | worldedit.schematic.list worldedit.schematic.clear worldedit.schematic.formats worldedit.schematic.load worldedit.clipboard.share worldedit.schematic.delete worldedit.schematic.move worldedit.schematic.move.other worldedit.clipboard.load worldedit.schematic.load.other worldedit.clipboard.clear worldedit.schematic.load.web worldedit.schematic.load.asset worldedit.schematic.share |
scroll | Toggle between different target modes | /scroll [-h] [mode] <commandStr...> |
worldedit.brush.scroll |
searchitem (/searchitem, /l, /search) | Search for an item | /searchitem [-bi] [-p <page>] <query...> |
worldedit.searchitem |
secondary (/secondary) | Set the left click brush | /secondary <commandStr...> |
worldedit.brush.secondary |
selwand (/selwand) | Selection wand tool | /selwand |
worldedit.setwand |
size | Set the brush size | /size <size> |
worldedit.brush.options.size |
smask (/smask, /sourcemask, sourcemask) | Set the brush source mask | /smask [-h] [maskArg] |
worldedit.brush.options.mask worldedit.mask.brush |
snapshot (snap, /snapshot, /snap) | Snapshot commands for restoring backups | /snapshot <before|use|sel|after|list> |
worldedit.snapshots.restore worldedit.snapshots.list |
snow (/snow) | Simulates snow | /snow [-s] [size] [height] |
worldedit.snow |
stacker | Block stacker tool | /stacker [range] [mask] |
worldedit.tool.stack |
superpickaxe (pickaxe, /pickaxe, sp, /sp) | Super-pickaxe commands | /superpickaxe <single|area|recursive> |
worldedit.superpickaxe.area worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive worldedit.superpickaxe |
target (tar, /target, /tar) | Toggle between different target modes | /target [mode] | |
targetoffset (to) | Set the targeting mask | /targetoffset [offset] |
worldedit.brush.targetoffset |
thaw (/thaw) | Thaws the area | /thaw [size] [height] |
worldedit.thaw |
thru (/thru) | Pass through walls | /thru |
worldedit.navigation.thru.command |
toggleeditwand (/toggleeditwand) | Remind the user that the wand is now a tool and can be unbound with /tool none. | /toggleeditwand |
worldedit.wand.toggle |
toggleplace (/toggleplace) | Switch between your position and pos1 for placement | /toggleplace |
worldedit.toggleplace |
tracemask (tarmask, tm, targetmask) | Set the mask used to stop tool traces | /tracemask [maskOpt] |
worldedit.brush.options.tracemask |
transform (/transform) | Set the brush transform | /transform [-h] [transform] |
worldedit.brush.options.transform worldedit.transform.brush |
tree (/tree) | Tree generator tool | /tree [type] |
worldedit.tool.tree |
undo (/undo) | Undoes the last action (from history) | /undo [times] [player] |
worldedit.history.undo worldedit.history.undo.self |
unstuck (!, /unstuck) | Escape from being stuck inside a block | /unstuck |
worldedit.navigation.unstuck |
up (/up) | Go upwards some distance | /up [-fg] <distance> |
worldedit.navigation.up |
worldedit (we, fawe, fastasyncworldedit) | WorldEdit commands | /worldedit <help|version|trace|reload|cui|tz|debugpaste|threads> |
worldedit.trace worldedit.reload worldedit.debugpaste worldedit.threads worldedit.cui worldedit.timezone |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
headdb (hdb, heads) | opens head menu | Not Provided |
N/A |
playerhead (phead, playerh) | gets a playerhead from a username | Not Provided |
N/A |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
copydisguise (disguisecopy, disgcopy, dcopy, copydisg, copyd, parsedisguise, disguiseparse) | Output a disguise to a usable string | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.copydisguise |
disguise (d, dis, disg) | Disguise yourself as an entity. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguise |
disguiseclone (disguisec, disc, disclone, dclone, clonedisguise, clonedis, cdisguise, cdis, clonedisg, disgclone) | Copy a disguise (or entity) and use it later. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguiseclone |
disguiseentity (dentity, disentity, disgentity) | Disguise an entity as another entity. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguiseentity |
disguisehelp (dhelp, dishelp, disghelp) | Help command for LibsDisguises. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguisehelp |
disguisemodify (dmodify, dmod, disgmodify, modifydisguise, moddisguise, mdisguise) | Modify your own disguise | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguisemodify |
disguisemodifyentity (dmodifyentity, dmodentity, disgmodentity, dismodentity, modifydisguiseentity, modifydisgentity, modifydentity, moddisguiseentity, moddisgentity, mdisguiseentity, mdisgentity) | Modify a disguise by right clicking them | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguisemodifyentity |
disguisemodifyplayer (dmodifyplayer, dmodplayer, disgmodifyplayer, dismodplayer, disgmodplayer, modifydisguiseplayer, moddisguiseplayer, mdisguiseplayer, mdisgplayer, dmodifyuuid, dmoduuid, disgmodifyuuid, dismoduuid, disgmoduuid, modifydisguiseuuid, moddisguiseuuid, mdisguiseuuid, mdisguuid) | Modify the disguise of a player | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguisemodifyplayer |
disguisemodifyradius (dmodifyradius, dmodradius, disgmodradius, dismodradius, modifydisguiseradius, modifydisgradius, moddisguiseradius, mdisguiseradius, moddisgradius) | Modify disguises in a radius | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguisemodifyradius |
disguiseplayer (dplayer, displayer, disgplayer, disguiseuuid, disguuid, duuid) | Disguise another player as an entity. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguiseplayer |
disguiseradius (disradius, dradius, disgradius) | Disguise all entities within a radius as an entity. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.disguiseradius |
disguiseviewbar (dviewbar, dvb, disguisevb, disvb, viewdisguisebar, viewbardisguise, bardisguise, bardisg, bard, notifybar, viewnotifybar, disguisenotifybar, disgnotifybar, dnotifybar) | Toggle seeing your own disguise on or off. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself |
disguiseviewself (dviewself, dvs, disguisevs, disvs, vsd, viewselfdisguise, viewselfd, selfdisguise, selfdisg, selfd, toggleselfdisguise, seeselfdisguise) | Toggle seeing your own disguise on or off. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself |
grabhead (grabskull, playerhead, savehead, gethead) | Grab the head item of a skin, url or player | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.grabhead |
grabskin (uploadskin, skin, saveskin, cacheskin, downloadskin, skincache) | Grab a skin from file, url or player name/uuid | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.grabskin |
libsdisguises (libsdisg, ld) | Main command for libsdisguises. | Not Provided |
N/A |
savedisguise (customdisguise, savedisg, customdisg, createdisguise, createdisg) | Save a custom disguise to disguises.yml | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.savedisguise |
undisguise (und, undis, undisg) | Undisguise yourself. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.undisguise |
undisguiseentity (undisentity, undentity, undisgentity) | Undisguise an entity. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.undisguiseentity |
undisguiseplayer (undisplayer, undplayer, undisgplayer, undisguiseuuid, unduuid, undisguuid) | Undisguise a player. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.undisguiseplayer |
undisguiseradius (undisradius, undradius, undisgradius) | Undisguise all entities within a radius. | Not Provided |
libsdisguises.seecmd.undisguiseradius |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
luckperms (lp, perm, perms, permission, permissions) | Manage permissions | Not Provided |
N/A |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
marry | Marriage main command. | /marry <args> |
N/A |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
anycontainer (anychest) | AnyContainer allows using blocked containers. | /<command> [check|on|off] - Check, toggle, or set AnyContainer |
openinv.container.any |
openender (oe) | Opens the enderchest of a player | /<command> [Player] - Open a player's enderchest | |
openinv (oi, inv, open) | Open a player's inventory | /<command> [Player] - Open a player's inventory | |
searchcontainer (searchchest) | Search and list containers with a specific material. | /<command> <Material> [ChunkRadius] - ChunkRadius is optional, the length that will be searched for matching items. Default 5 | |
searchenchant (searchenchants) | Search and list players with a specific enchantment. | /<command> <[Enchantment] [MinLevel]> - Enchantment is the enchantment type, MinLevel is the minimum level. One is optional | |
searchender (se) | Searches and lists players having a specific item in their ender chest | /<command> <Material> [MinAmount] - MinAmount is optional, the minimum amount required | |
searchinv (si) | Search and list players having a specific item | /<command> <Material> [MinAmount] - MinAmount is optional, the minimum amount required | |
silentcontainer (sc, silent, silentchest) | SilentContainer stops sounds and animations when using containers. | /<command> [check|on|off] - Check, toggle, or set SilentContainer |
openinv.container.silent |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
plan | /plan |
plan.command |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
adminchat (o, ac, sc, staffchat) | Talk privately with other admins | /adminchat <message> |
plex.adminchat |
admininfo (ai, si, staffinfo) | Information on how to apply for admin | /admininfo |
plex.tfmextras.admininfo |
adminworld (aw) | Teleport to the adminworld | /adminworld |
plex.adminworld |
adventure (gma, egma, eadventure, adventuremode, eadventuremode) | Set your own or another player's gamemode to adventure mode | /adventure |
plex.gamemode.adventure |
autoclear (aclear, ac) | Toggle whether or not a player has their inventory automatically cleared when they join | /autoclear <player> |
plex.tfmextras.autoclear |
autoteleport (autotp, rtp, randomtp, tpr) | If a player is specified, it will toggle whether or not the player is automatically teleported when they join. If no player is specified, you will be randomly teleported | /autoteleport [player] |
plex.tfmextras.autotp |
ban (offlineban, gtfo) | Bans a player, offline or online | /ban <player> [reason] [-rb] |
plex.ban |
banlist | Manages the banlist | /banlist [purge] |
plex.banlist |
bcastloginmessage (bcastlm) | Broadcast your login message (for vanish support) | /bcastloginmessage <player> |
plex.broadcastloginmessage |
blockedit (bedit) | Prevent players from modifying blocks | /blockedit [list | purge | all | <player>] |
plex.blockedit |
cake | For the people that are still alive - gives a cake to everyone on the server | /cake |
plex.tfmextras.cake |
cartsit (minecartsit) | Sit in nearest minecart. If target is in a minecart already, they will be ejected | /cartsit <player> |
plex.tfmextras.cartsit |
clearchat (cc, cleanchat, chatclear) | Clears the chat | /clearchat |
plex.tfmextras.clearchat |
cloudclear (clearcloud, aeclear) | Clears lingering potion area effect clouds | /cloudclear |
plex.tfmextras.cloudclear |
clownfish | Gives a player a clownfish capable of knocking people back | /clownfish [<toggle>] |
plex.tfmextras.clownfish |
commandspy (cmdspy) | Spy on other player's commands | /commandspy |
plex.commandspy |
consolesay (csay) | Displays a message to everyone | /consolesay <message> |
plex.consolesay |
creative (gmc, egmc, ecreative, eecreative, creativemode, ecreativemode) | Set your own or another player's gamemode to creative mode | /creative |
plex.gamemode.creative |
disguisetoggle (dtoggle) | Toggle LibsDisguises | /disguisetoggle |
plex.libsdisguises.disguisetoggle |
eject | Removes all passengers from a player | /eject |
plex.tfmextras.eject |
emf | Speak english. | /emf <player> |
plex.tfmextras.emf |
enchant (enchantment) | Enchants an item | /enchant <add | reset | list | addall | remove> |
plex.tfmextras.enchant |
entitywipe (ew, rd) | Remove various server entities that may cause lag, such as dropped items, minecarts, and boats. | /entitywipe [entity] [radius] |
plex.entitywipe |
expel (push) | Pushes away nearby players | /expel <radius> <strength> |
plex.tfmextras.expel |
flatlands | Teleport to the flatlands | /flatlands |
plex.flatlands |
freeze (fr) | Freeze a player on the server | /freeze <player> |
plex.freeze |
gamemode (gm, egamemode, gmt, egmt) | Change your gamemode | /gamemode <creative | survival | adventure | default | spectator> [player] |
plex.gamemode |
jumppads (jp, pads, launchpads) | Enables jump pads for yourself or another player. Mode types available: none, regular, enhanced, extreme | /jumppads <mode> [player] |
plex.tfmextras.jumppads |
kick | Kicks a player | /kick <player> |
plex.kick |
list (lsit, who, playerlist, online) | Show a list of all online players | /list [-d | -v] |
plex.list |
localspawn | Teleport to the spawnpoint of the world you are in | /localspawn |
plex.localspawn |
lockup | Lockup a player on the server | /lockup <player> |
plex.lockup |
masterbuilderworld (mbw) | Teleport to the Master Builder world | /masterbuilderworld |
plex.masterbuilderworld |
moblimit (entitylimit) | Manages the mob limit per chunk. | /moblimit [on | off | setmax <limit>] |
plex.moblimit |
mobpurge (mp) | Purge all mobs. | /mobpurge [mob] |
plex.mobpurge |
mute (stfu) | Mute a player on the server | /mute <player> |
plex.mute |
nickmm (nickminimessage) | Change your nickname using MiniMessage formatting! | /nickmm <nick> |
plex.nickmm |
notes | Manage notes for a player | /notes <player> <list | add <note> | remove <id> | clear> |
plex.notes |
orbit | Accelerates the player at a super fast rate | /orbit <target> [<<power> | stop>] |
plex.tfmextras.orbit |
pdebug | Plex's debug command | /pdebug <aliases pdebug | redis-reset <player> | gamerules> |
plex.debug |
plex | Show information about Plex or reload it | /plex [reload | redis | modules [reload]] |
N/A |
punishments (punishlist, punishes) | Opens the Punishments GUI | /punishments [player] |
plex.punishments |
randomfish (rfish, bird) | Spawns a random type of fish at your location | /randomfish |
plex.tfmextras.randomfish |
rawsay | Displays a raw message to everyone | /rawsay <message> |
plex.rawsay |
removeloginmessage (rlm, removeloginmsg) | Remove your own (or someone else's) login message | /removeloginmessage [-o <player>] |
plex.removeloginmessage |
say | Displays a message to everyone | /say <message> |
plex.say |
setloginmessage (slm, setloginmsg) | Sets your (or someone else's) login message | /setloginmessage [-o <player>] <message> |
plex.setloginmessage |
shop | Opens the shop menu | /shop | |
smite | Someone being a little bitch? Smite them down... | /smite <player> [reason] [-ci | -q] |
plex.smite |
spectator (gmsp, egmsp, spec) | Set your own or another player's gamemode to spectator mode | /spectator |
plex.gamemode.spectator |
survival (gms, egms, esurvival, survivalmode, esurvivalmode) | Set your own or another player's gamemode to survival mode | /survival |
plex.gamemode.survival |
tag (prefix) | Set or clear your prefix | /tag <set <prefix> | clear <player>> |
plex.tag |
tempban | Temporarily ban a player | /tempban <player> <time> [reason] [-rb] |
plex.tempban |
tempmute (tmute) | Temporarily mute a player on the server | /tempmute <player> <time> [reason] |
plex.tempmute |
toggle (toggles) | Allows toggling various server aspects through a GUI | /toggle |
plex.toggle |
unban | Unbans a player, offline or online | /unban <player> |
plex.ban |
undisguiseall (undisall, uall) | Undisguise all players | /undisguiseall [-a] |
plex.libsdisguises.undisguiseall |
unfreeze | Unfreeze a player | /unfreeze <player> |
plex.unfreeze |
unmute | Unmute a player | /unmute <player> |
plex.unmute |
whohas (wh) | Returns a list of players with a specific item in their inventory. | /whohas <material> |
plex.whohas |
world | Teleport to a world. | /world <world> | |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
plugman | Manage plugins. | /plugman (help|dump) /plugman list [-v] /plugman check <plugin|all> [-f] /plugman lookup <command> /plugman (enable|disable|restart) <plugin|all> /plugman (info|usage|load|reload|unload) <plugin> | |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
filter (packet_filter) | Add or remove programmable filters to the packet listeners. | /<command> add|remove name [ID start]-[ID stop] |
protocol.admin |
packet | Add or remove a simple packet listener. | /<command> add|remove|names client|server [ID start]-[ID stop] [detailed] |
protocol.admin |
packetlog | Logs hex representations of packets to a file or console | /<command> <protocol> <sender> <packet> [location] |
protocol.admin |
protocol | Performs administrative tasks regarding ProtocolLib. | /<command> config|check|update|timings|listeners|version|dump |
protocol.admin |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
translate (espanol, spanish, togglespanish, toggleespanol, porfavor) | Toggle translation on or off | Not Provided |
translate.toggle |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
vault-convert | Converts all data in economy1 and dumps it into economy2 | /<command> [economy1] [economy2]
vault.admin |
vault-info | Displays information about Vault | /<command> - Displays Vault information
vault.admin |
Name (Aliases) | Description | Usage | Permission |
allowfire | Allows all fire spread temporarily | /[<world>] | |
god | Enable godmode on a player | /[player] |
N/A |
halt-activity (stoplag, haltactivity) | Attempts to cease as much activity in order to stop lag | /[confirm] |
worldguard.halt-activity |
heal | Heal a player | /[player] |
N/A |
locate | Locate a player | /[player] |
worldguard.locate |
region (regions, rg) | Region management commands | Not Provided |
slay | Slay a player | /[player] |
N/A |
stack | Stack items | Not Provided |
worldguard.stack |
stopfire | Disables all fire spread temporarily | /[<world>] | |
ungod | Disable godmode on a player | /[player] |
N/A |
worldguard (wg) | WorldGuard commands | Not Provided |
worldguard.running worldguard.reload worldguard.profile worldguard.profile worldguard.flushstates worldguard.flushstates worldguard.running |